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The first annual Popular Culture and Pedagogy Conference will take place on November 11th, 2019. 

The theme of the conference will be:

Using Popular Culture As A Tool For Engagement  

A part of effective teaching is learning from our peers. The goal of The Popular Culture and Pedagogy Conference is to share successes as well as potential teaching practices for other scholars and educators to borrow and learn from while creating a space where we can share feedback, and reflection on how we can employ popular culture in the classroom.


​In #POPC1 we want to discuss exciting and unique ideas that focus on strategies, approaches, and resources for new and exciting ways educators can use popular culture to reach students. This is including but not limited to the fields of Sociology, Psychology, History, Philosophy, Communication, English Literature, Religion, and Rhetoric and Composition.

What is considered Popular Culture? The phrase “Popular Culture” is difficult to pinpoint common usage yields a variety of definitions usually it is safe to say anything that is not canon this includes but is not limited to Television, Film, Music, Video Games, Sports, Comics, YA and Romance Novels, etc... 

Deadline for paper abstracts: August 31st, 2019.
​Please email your paper proposal to 
Include your affiliation and title, links to any social media and/or website you want shared, and a brief bio of 50 words or less.


Conferences by the very nature of the system they function in are classist. Meetings that cost over $250 to attend are no longer financially viable for most people, especially Early Career Faculty, K-12 Teachers, and Graduate Students. In addition there is an exclusion of those disabilities and people with personal obligations. Conferences that charge hefty fees in the field of Pedagogy are actively harming students who’s educators do not have access to travel and conference funds. This is an alternative!



There are no fees to present at this conference.​


I needed a Masters Capstone project to earn my M.Ed. in Curriculum and Teaching, and I wanted to pick a project that could have a real impact. While studying education, I had become passionate about critical pedagogy, so after seeing The Public Archeology and PressED twitter conferences, I came up with this project. The intent is to join them in challenging the conference status quo in terms of communication, diversity, and inclusivity, but it differs in topic. Popular Culture can break down cultural, socioeconomic, and language barriers when we create a space to ask how we can use this tool in our teaching it deepens the critical pedagogy component that is at the heart of the Twitter conference movement. I hope this can allow for practical guides to form so that we may reach the students many think are unreachable. ​Although a capstone project, this is the first conference of what I hope to be many. - Alexander Lester, @Armchair_Phil


The hashtag for the November 11th 2019 event will be #POPC1. 

The official conference twitter account is @and_pedagogy


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to use the conference CFP submission email or tweet me @Armchair_Phil


All text used from the PATC website was used with permission. 




FAQ – The Whats & Hows of a Twitter Conference

FAQ – The Whats and Hows of a Twitter Conference


What is a Twitter Conference?

A Twitter conference is a social media event that occurs from the comfort of your desk/sofa/bed/bus/whatever. This event is meant to bring together public archaeologists from around the world in an online setting to encourage communication and collaboration, which also happens to be free, easy to follow and allows for multi-stranded communications, without the hassle of flights, accommodation and canapés.


How do you participate in a Twitter Conference?

All you need is a Twitter account (that’s your @joebloggs name). You can sign up for one these very easily at if you are not there already. After getting a Twitter profile, you only need to search for the hashtag #POPC1 (The Popular Culture and Pedagogy Conference) to see all posts that are related to the conference. If you are interested in “spectating only,” you can follow the hashtag online, but you won’t be able to interact without a Twitter account. If you don’t have a Twitter account or don’t know how to use Twitter (or are not confident doing so), we will provide support materials and signpost ‘how-to’ guides online, so no one is excluded as far as possible.


How much time am I expected to spend on this if I participate?

After the CFP closes, everyone will be allocated a time slot during which you are required to present your 10-15 tweet-conference paper. We do strongly encourage people to interact during the conference using the hashtag as well. It is especially vital that you will be available during your presentation time slot to present and then to answer potential questions you might receive, like at a real conference. After sign up closes, we will circulate a list of abstracts and timeslots, so that you can pinpoint which presentations you might want to ‘see.’ If you are unable to be present during your allocated time slot, you can schedule your tweets (using services such as Tweetdeck, Hootsuite or Buffer), so that they get posted automatically without you having to be online – although this means you won’t be able to answer any questions in real time.


What’s this popular culture and pedagogy conference about? 

Any paper or case study is suitable, as long as it is not offensive. The aim is to make ideas of classroom instruction using popular culture widely available, and to see if this conference would aid professional networking as well as public engagement.


The #POPC1 


November 11th, 2019 

11 AM - 3:15 PM (EST) 


Opening Comments by Organizer Alexander Lester - 11 AM 

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Santee - Red Bull Rampage: Using Pop Culture to Promote Curiosity and a Research Mindset - 11:15 AM

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Largent -Teaching Research Methods Through Popular Culture - 11:30 AM

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Contois - Taking Food Media Public as Pop Culture Pedagogy - 11:45 AM

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Irwin - Keynote Address: Pop Cultural Literacy - 12 PM 

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Tinajero - Using Hip Hop in the College Composition Classroom - 12: 30 PM

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McGunnigle - Using Ms. Marvel to Teach Multiculturalism - 12:45 PM 

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Milevica - The rhetoric of success: We learn from Hollywood - 1:00 PM

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Larsen - Walkers Ate My Science Homework: A First Year Student Seminar Course on Science and “The Walking Dead” - 1:15 PM

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McKeague - Using Comedic Media as an Educational Tool - 1:30 PM 

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Flyte - Beyond the Bio: Seeking out a New Way to Connect Generations - 1:45 PM

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Richter - #HashtagHorror: Black Mirror, Shaming Culture, and Ethics in the Social Media Classroom - 2:00 PM

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Levitt - Fandom and Affiliation - 2:15 PM

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Jensen - Using Reality TV As A Tool For Engagement in English classes - 2:30 PM

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LaFollette - Pop Culture in/as Arts-Based Writing Pedagogy – 2:45 PM

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Closing Comments – 3 PM

© 2019 by Popular Culture and Pedagogy

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